Welcome to Tekkit Engineering!

What do real world engineers do when they get bored at work? We play Minecraft! So what is the goal of this site? We want this to be an extension of our current and future videos. We're looking for your suggestions on what you want to see next, what you would like us to build, schematic files you would like to download, etc. There is still so much space on the server just waiting for new creations. Let us help you build a new train station, or a combination lock. How about a frame machine, or a new skyscrapper for your growing city?

Introducing the NEW Tekkit Engineering "Tek Eng" modpack!

Tekkit Engineering Modpack

Get it now in the Technic Launcher by searching for "Tek Eng". Click here to visit the pictures page for a preview of the modpack.

Want to chat with us LIVE?

Thursday nights at 10PM US Eastern time is our regular weekly meeting time. Come ask us a question here!


+ 2017

+ May

05/29/2017 - Made several updates to our public facing website including lots of new pictures!

+ April

04/02/2017 - We just launched the new Tekkit Engineering modpack "Tek Eng" on the Technic Launchers! Go check it out!

+ March

No news this month!

+ February

No news this month!

+ January

No news this month!

+ 2016

+ December

No news this month!

+ November

No news this month!

+ October

No news this month!

+ September

No news this month!

+ August

08/13/2016 - New pictures added of some recent game play! We're getting back into the swing of things!

+ July

No news this month!

+ June

No news this month!

+ May

No news this month!

+ April

No news this month!

+ March

No news this month!

+ February

No news this month!

+ January

No news this month!

+ 2015

+ December

No news this month!

+ November

No news this month!

+ October

No news this month!

+ September

No news this month!

+ August

No news this month!

+ July

07/16/2015 - We've recently had a request to start work on an advanced elevator system. Should be interesting, especially with all the new logic available to Tekkit. Check back for updates.

07/06/2015 - We just launched a new video! A reboot of the common RS Latch circuit that everyone is familiar with from Vanilla Minecraft, but now MUCH more compact and using the new Tekkit logic. Check it out here!

+ June

No news this month!

+ May

No news this month!

+ April

04/05/2015 - We're in the process of deploying a new production server which means I think we're about to release the current map! Check the downloads link page as the map should be coming soon.

+ March

No news this month!

+ February

No news this month!

+ January

No news this month!

Please help us keep this server running.